Sunday, August 13, 2006

Kindergarten Blues

Truth is this - my daughter h-a-t-e-s Kindergarten. Okay, so it's only been one week. But one week too many in her five year old opinion.

One week ago just tomorrow morning, I snapped cute, sunshiney pics of her all dressed up and happy on her first day of Kindergarten. And that night, along with every morning and night that has followed, she has cried and cried and begged me not to take her back.

THAT has wiped me out...because it's really hard to take her back now. Totally has taken me by surprise.

I the grand scheme of things it's pretty small. Still feels really HUGE right now. But it can only get better. There's absolutley nowhere to go but up, for real.

Wish I could soothe her little soul by playing some Sara Grooves in the car on the way to school in the think it'd help? Maybe I could send her to school with an "It's Going to Be Alright" brainstain.

Hmmmm....maybe I'll just do that.



Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I went to Sunday School. I cried and cried and cried each day and wouldn't let my mom leave.

I think this was like... last year.

But it turned out that a few long days later, I magically started to really, really like Sunday School. I couldn't imagine not going there. I loved it, really! It was the greatest thing ever!

The moral of this story, of course, is take your daughter out of kindergarten and put her in Sunday School.

marianne said...

Eric - my daughter would love your idea. In fact, today I asked her if I should find out if there are any more openings in preschool (expecting her to day "no way") and she said, "Yep."

Kat - I like that "cheesy" broken heart necklace idea! I think she'd love it! Gonna look for one.

Sonny - Yes...drama, drama, drama. :-) Things are looking up I think. Today was a little better.

Anonymous said...

I promise she'll become a Kindergarten lover! My 6 year old starts first grade this year and his first week of Kindergarten he came home to tell me it was 2 1/2 hours a day that he couldn't get back! YIKES! He grew to love it andd his new found friends! Take heart!

marianne said...

Yes! She did eventually learn to love Kindergarten!!! She ended up having a great year! So now...she is trying to adjust to first grade. :-) And at least this year I know she will!