Tuesday, June 06, 2006

How'd That Happen?

Whew tonight was a blur. Yes, my second day of work has come and gone. Pretty uneventful. But after work that became another story.

My girls and I piled into the car late this afternoon in a rush to leave town only to end up inching alongside some pretty grouchy drivers on the interstate. Let me tell you, NOT a good time to put a 5 year old in the car without snacks or water. Oops.

After what seemed like a gabillion minutes, we made it over to the beach, had dinner and then rescued their brother from some not so grouchy friends who took Clay along on their vacation for a few days. How sweet is that? Can think of not much else that is sweeter.

That is until we made it home. Having that mellow, sand in your flip flops, essence of coconut brainstain thing going on, my kids sort of rolled out of the car. Very slowly. Once inside, they continued in slow motion. Offering to get dressed for bed (without my asking), announcing they were taking bags and other miscellaneous junk upstairs (without my nagging) and peacefully lounging on the couch staring blankly at the TV without bothering to change the channel on Kim Possible. Which is what Buddy was watching while we were gone.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, so I was thinking that nothing is more heroic than someone else taking one of your kids to the beach for part of their family vacation. But then, I got home leashed the doggy and took him out front for...you know.

And then I saw it. It was huge. My mouth dropped open and I turned slowly in a circle thinking I would find the wonderful person behind such a purposeful act of kindness. But I saw no one. I did see all of my yard clippings piled on top of my neighbors' more modest yard trash pile. I ran over to my yard to see if it was true. Gone were the heaps of thorny (to put it mildly) branches which almost ran the entire length of my yard. I just couldn't believe it. I felt guilty but thankful. I felt happy but embarrassed. I felt cared for even though they may have just wanted to make sure my yard got cleaned up before their weekend company arrives.

Whatever the reason - it makes no difference. Someone did something wonderful that helped me out in a huge way. And it made me happy. Someone took my son to the beach which helped me out in another huge way. And that made him happy.

But I'm thinking that someone may want to send me my own clippers because I have a funny feeling it may be quite some time before my neighbors are inclined to let me loose with theirs again. :-)


Anonymous said...

Ahh, you'll probably never hear the end of this one. 30 years from now, those neighbors will be like "Hey, do you think you could run to the supermarket and pick us up a tube of Crest? Uh uh..." And you'll be like, "What are you talking about? No!" And they'll be like "Um, well, if you recall, we cleaned up your yard that one time. So while your at the store why don't you grab some dental floss and maybe a palm leaf to wave in our direction. Off you go."

Or maybe things are different in Florida.

Anonymous said...

That would actually be "You're."

I am so ashamed.

marianne said...

Oh. Your, you're, yer...makes no difference really. :-)

And DID YOU SEE THOSE THORNS? Dude, those things are monstrous (how do you spell that?) and sharper than all get out.

I'll get Crest and Floss for them any day. Although, in 30 years...it may be more like Polident for all of us on my street. :-)

marianne said...


I'm glad you found me here. :-) I did link to your blog - I wasn't sure the proper blog etiquette for asking or letting you know. Hope you are fine with it.

Your blog is awesome. I love that your hobbies are HTML and all of those other things I know nothing about (yet) instead of scrapbooking. You are way way ahead of the mom crowd and so I have no doubt you'll be up on things during those teen years. :-)


Anonymous said...

Mh, you BOTH are just SO old.

*Wanders away to write a massive computer virus and hack into important government files*

(Note to government: I'm kidding.)

marianne said...

Haha - yeah, I think I'd rather start scrapbooking again than try that. ;-)

My kids are really nice about not ever calling me old. But they call other adults my same age old: "He's so old, he's like 38 or something" or "He must be that little girl's grandpa because he's got some gray hair". Stuff like that.