Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bug Bites and Nasty Food

It's camp week again. I know because I can still smell Sharpie ink and it's been at least 8 hours since I wrote my son's name in teeny tiny letters on his toothbrush, bathing suits, towels, shirts, shorts, pjs, camera, bug spray (actually they are wipes) and, oops, I forgot to label his socks. And his shoes and, oh well, probably lots of other things.

At least I didn't boo-hoo the whole way home this year after dropping him off at his cabin (with their wildest imaginations they call that building a cabin). I think that's because I remember picking him up last year and he was totally not at all ready to come home. So being the smart woman that I am, I saved my tears for something truly sad. Leaving your quiet kid at camp and knowing he's very glad to be there is so very much a good thing.

So this week I'm thankful he's at a place where he is comfortable being on his own.

My oldest is there, too. She's a Jr. Counselor. Which mostly seems to mean we bought lots of arts and crafts and makeup and candy and whatever else she felt was necessary to have up her sleeve as a Jr. Counselor. In case of a planned Camp Activity Rebellion? I don't know. I finally had to cut her off or else we may as well have held our own camp with her in charge.

So this week I'm also thankful she's in a place where some little girls without Big Sisters can know what it's like to have a really great one - even if it's just for one week.

But that leaves little one here at home. Wishing camp was at our house instead. Growing up the baby in my family, I know her feeling of "when can I go to camp" only to learn later that Sissy and Brother will have moved on to something else that she, again, is not old enough for yet. Wonder if it will leave her as frustrated as it used to leave me? Or is she more determined and, one day, will camp actually take place at our house with Sissy and Bro in charge of her and her camper friends.

:-) Over my decrepit body. :-)

But I am thankful for time to spend with my little one and time for her to remember how much she adores her Big Sister and Brother.

Sorry if this is boring and serious. Camp week is still an odd week for me even if I no longer shed tears while driving back through the camp gates on drop-off day. Especially odd this year with Tropical Storms in the news and smoke from brush fires in the air - it's hard letting them go. Letting someone else watch over them. But it's good practice for me since I certainly don't expect to watch over them for the rest of their lives. And since they would never let me in a million years anyway. And it's a good reminder that, above all, they are God's kids and that he has his eye on them right this very minute anyway.

So with that in mind, I plan to sleep peacefully this week and I pray that my campers will too.


Anonymous said...

ugh. i didn't cry either, but i did whine alot. i have been enjoying those girls so much lately that i am really going to miss them. its weird, too, because usually i send off the two older ones, not the middles.

being here today with only Clay(Sage is at school)has made me remember how i got involved in all that volunteer stuff. but Clay has decided that i am the new Iris. he has taught me cookie jumping(which has nothing to do with cookies) and i have played zoo.

did i tell you that drew had saved iris the bed next to hers and that it turned out to be the bed under carolina? she was so excited. i know most of these girls quite well. i would not be suprised by a planned camp coup. she was wise to prepare.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your son is secretly bawling his eyes out every night wishing he could be with you.

Mainly, however, because camp food stinks.

marianne said...

Kat, I should clarify that this is the very first year I have not lost it driving home after dropping off at camp. I will revert to my former "boo hoo self" in a few years when my youngest insists on becoming a summer camper herself. Guaranteed tears for that!

Robo, I would miss your girls if I were you as well. How many gradeschoolers do you know currently manufacturing and passing out laptops from a Suburban? Your girls are tubular (I was substituting that for cool...did it work for you?). One more quick thing - I have to know more about cookie jumping.

Eric, you are probably right about that. And it would be ONLY because the food stinks. Or because he has been drenched since I left him there yesterday and he is so wishing he had listened to me and brought more than 2 pairs of shoes! ;-)

Anonymous said...

yes, I saw on another blog that you thought "tubular" could, once again, be a viable substitute for "cool". yes, it, like, works, totally.
i like "fantabulous", myself. for example: "i did not deem myself fantabulous enough to comment on kat's blog my meager opinions on words," or "you know your kids are fantabulous when they own a one-of-a-kind laptop made by my girly-wirlies."