Saturday, May 27, 2006

Thank you God for Sweet Corn

It's after midnight and my 5 year old daughter is just now closing her eyes. I honestly don't know how she could be falling asleep so soon.

Tonight we went to the Zellwood Sweet Corn Festival and, not exactly being a corn lover, Jayme's dinner consisted of two bites of hamburger (before it fell on the ground), half of a Funnel Cake, a like 60 ounce carnival lemonade and a massive amount of blue cotton candy.

How could she possibly be falling asleep?

I wish I had a picture to post. She was so grimy and sticky and wiped out when we got home. It was great. She was such a puddle that I had to peel her clothes off of her as she lay on the couch in her sugar coma, awake but too stunned from the night's events to move. "Mommy, is the Corn Festibal over now?"

Yep, it was over for us. For this year. And I enjoyed it just as much as she, although, I did more waiting in line for food than I did actually eating any. And I stood 20 people back in the cotton candy line while she rode the carnival rides. But still, I totally enjoyed all of it.

Jayme experienced the Corn Festival "family style" because our awesome friends, Amy and Phil, saved room in their Suburban and we rode out to Zellwood with their family. So we were three adults and five kids instead of what we are used to most days. Believe it or not, it takes really good friends to pull that off harmoniously.

For whatever reasons, vacationing with other families, cooking out with other families or just going to festivals with other families doesn't happen as often as my kids would like. And I understand. Most husbands want another guy around at those things, not just another woman (and her kids) yakking up a storm.

And even worse, hanging out with a single mom and her kid(s) may mean carrying stuff for her, taking one of her kids to the bathroom and then afterwards giving them a ride back home. Having a healthy fear that she may ask you to come in, move her couch to the other side of the living room and help her hang miniblinds before leaving also would be reasonable.

Really, I'm just kidding. I've actually never done that to one of my friends' husbands - yet.

So, why did I enjoy the Corn Festival so much this year? Because sitting under the stars (which I am confident were up there behind those clouds) listening to Mercy Me, I was so surely aware of how much God loves me. My evolving friendship over the last 12 years with Amy and Phil has been no coincidence.

Not once tonight did I feel anything but that every single family member was thrilled we were with them. For a lonely (I admit it) single mom and her youngest kid that is a huge blessing. Not once did I feel like we were intruding on their family time. Not once was there any weirdness. I wish I could adequately convey what a huge deal that is.

Tonight I am absolutely thankful to God for Sweet Corn, for the freedom for us all to gather outside in the night air and raise our hands in praise of his goodness and mercy, and for kind and caring friends. But mostly I am in awe and I'm thankful tonight for how God works through the details in our lives. How he knew years ago that, one day, I would need the kind of friendship Amy and Phil and their kids can give me and my kids. And I thank God that I haven't been so wrapped up in myself tonight that I missed that.

Once again I am remembering that God is definitely good. :-)


Anonymous said...

The power and majesty of God, as presented by Sweet Corn. There is a pretty neat title for a sermon.

"Join Reverendess Marianne this Sunday at the New Holy Convenanted Temple Of God in Christ of the Former and Latter Day Christian True Believers for her shocking, world-changing message "Sweet Corn Sunday," also the title of a rather popular Bluegrass number which will be played after the service."

Oh, I realize now that typing "" does not get me to your blog, nor does ""

It took me a while to figure those out.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm not sure if I succeeded in posting the previous post I posted. It looks like it might be on here, but then again it might not.

*Twilight zone music*


marianne said...

You are sooooo making fun of me.
Haha. And that's pretty funny. :-)

And what the heck is a "Reverendess"?

Anonymous said...

Uhh... I don't know. Female Reverend, maybe? I think I made it up. Haha. Made-up words are cool, though. You have to admit.

marianne said...

Oh yeah. That one especially.:-)

Reverendess Marianne. Haha. That is a funny thought, too.

Anonymous said...

And I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever make fun of you! I wouldn't even dream about doing such a thing. I'm hurt that you would even suggest such a rotten idea.


Anonymous said...

wow, they sound like really neat people. hee hee. i find it odd to consider what man would not want to have two such beautiful women as amy and marianne to himself?

eric, reverendess is a pretty good word, but i am actually really enjoying "convenanted." i recently invented the word "magictrickdoer."

Lesson: just skip actual food, drink lemonade, eat funnel cakes and cotton candy. There will always be nutritious food tomorrow. armed with this info, I think we are truly ready for the 4th!!!!

btw, still haven't found that laptop.

marianne said...

Laptop Schmaptop.

And yeah, well you sort of have to know them to understand how cool they are.

Haha, I totally forgot about "magictrickdoer". Adding that to my favorite words list. :-)

And...Robomom? You scare me. Actually your new name makes traveling to Zellwood again on the 4th sound even more exciting.

Anonymous said...


It's from the Greek root word "Convonarious" meaning "You should probably use spell-check."

marianne said...

:-) I love learning new Greek words.

marianne said...

Woo Hoo - the Big MagicTrickDoer found the laptop! That thing is going in the Save Me Box. :-)