Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Boys Rule, Girls Drool

Okay, not really but I had to do something to make up for blogging about my two daughters way before I uttered a peep about their brother. Here he is doing some male bonding with Buddy in the backyard.

There are many drawbacks to being the "quiet kid". And Clay could tell you all of them. Like grown ups trying to make you talk. Like some kids deciding not to talk to you anymore. Like teachers assuming you aren't listening. Like some people seeming too impatient to wait for what you are putting into words a tad slowly. (Gee, how'd I ever think of those?).

But he also knows the secret splendor of growing up quiet. Blending in comes pretty easily. And when you blend in, often times people go about their business and their conversations without realizing they are being noticed. And that can be awfully interesting when you are a kid.

When you are quiet you have lots of time to think. People close to you become used to your nods and whispers, and in some instances your hand signals, and that makes you feel relaxed and happy. Those people don't make a huge stink about your lack of a desire for chit chat. And when you are a relaxed and happy quiet kid, your daydreams become real dreams and your heart and your soul can mingle with each other a bit.

I believe that quiet kids know themselves well. My son is not wishy washy despite appearing otherwise. He has a well defined sense of right and wrong - according to him. One week ago, he proudly attended his public school wearing his "Satan You've Been Punked" T-shirt on the last day. Which, honestly, made me a bit nervous for him.

"When I grow up I am going to be an artist," first came out of his mouth when he was two. He is now ten and his career goal has not budged. He does not want to be a computer artist. No, he wants to paint and he doesn't care how much money he makes. Okay then.

Also, being quiet has given Clay the time to listen to and watch his friends and classmates. He befriends the friendless and comes home from school upset when someone has been wronged. Maybe he notices a little too much. I don't know.

At home he still doesn't (have a chance to) say much but when he does speak up, it usually gets our attention. And shuts us up. :-) Like the time...umm, oh look, this is getting way too long to tell that story.

Anyway, so here's to you my sweet and kind boy. Being quiet is far from a curse. And we love you just the way you are. :-)


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you, Clay, for being so much unlike me. The world needs more people like you, totally.

marianne said...

This is one of my favorite posts. Plus I love this picture. Is reading your own archives weirdo?