Monday, September 10, 2007


Recently I was asked, "So Marianne, what movies have you seen lately?" All I could answer was, "Pirates, Shrek and (in a hushed tone) The Simpsons Movie."

My embarrassment led to my new lower -end membership to kid movies allowed on my Rental Queue!

So, sitting on my DVD player ready for viewing are Hotel Rwanda, The Last King of Scotland and The Constant Gardner. I'm in URGENT need of movie suggestions to add to my queue.

Thanks guys.


1 comment:

Sonflower :-) said...

I used to have NetFlix ...until I moved and I have started it back up yet.

You talking to the one whose last movie at the theater was Spiderman 3. Laughs. But I have rented a few since then...A&E Pride and Prejudice is always a good one.

I should go start me another que. That's almost as fun as watching the movies. ;p