Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Starting Soon

It happened...the first meeting about getting the kids to raise money to build a well in Africa. We're really going to make it happen. We talked about Bulletin Boards, Well Buckets, Two Weeks of Sacrifice and why we are doing this. We have a plan and a start date - September 1.

For one year, September 1- September 1, the students are going to raise money for Blood:Water Mission. Some will go through the year barely noticing the bucket they are passing during Sunday School. But I'm thinking that, for a whole lot of others, something permanent will sink in and that by September 1, 2008, a lot of kids right here in the middle of Florida will be changed. It may just be a tiny seed planted in the mind of some...thinking of, doing for others. Or it could be bigger. Some could "get" that our tiny world right here at home is just that...tiny. Their goals and dreams could shift. They could decide that the life they thought they would go for after high school no longer matters. They could decide to live for helping those who can't help themselves - at least not all by themselves.

Okay, I know...I'm getting totally carried away. You guys know how I like to dream.

Anyway, we're ready. This time it's really going to happen.



Anonymous said...

I'm lost. My kids were definitely not at the meeting.


marianne said...

Oh no...I feel terrible for adding more mommy guilt to your day! No, no, was a planning meeting, silly. Just me and the big boss up there...planning. Don't worry!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like some sound planning.

The Secret Life of Kat said...

Awesome, Marianne!

euphrony said...

That's great! I know that my little girl, from simple repitition of the message, has come to understand that there are hungry people out there and we try to help them with food, money, etc. It may be a small thing, but it will leave an impact.