Wednesday, August 15, 2007

One Track Mind

I wish I could think of something else...anything write about but almost the only thing on my mind is the teenager sleeping (or quietly watching MTV) upstairs.

In every conversation we have I fail to take the highest road. Usually I do take a pretty high road but, really, I should be taking one higher still. How else will she learn about self control, patience and boundaries?

Kat (my ultra-inspiring blogging friend) is taking the week off to focus on praying for her children during this crazy Back to School time. And although I don't intend on taking time off...especially since I just regained reliable internet access...I do intend on taking time to pray for my kids. I also intend on taking extra time to pray for myself and for my mothering skills. For my heart and where it currently stands on mothering this amazing teenage daughter whom God has entrusted in my care (and who am I to question that?). She's not mine actually...she's His. Someone reminded me of that not long ago. And I really really don't want to mess up one of His least not without knowing I've absolutely done the best that I can.

So, Prayer and Back to School. They definitely go together. Not just to start (or to remember to be) praying for kids but to pray for the scads of people who will influence them along their way. Especially their moms.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like some pretty strong wisdom there in that post.

ah,yes, she's His. Rest in that.
