Sunday, June 10, 2007


Tonight - once again a little down in the dumps about my lack of skill at parenting my soon to be 14 year old amazing daughter - I remember that there is Google.

Google. Of course.

I go and type in “when your teenage daughter hates you,” thinking that may be a bit exaggerated, but...WaLa.

Nearly perfect article. Points me in the direction of what looks to be a nearly perfect answer to my so many many questions, concerns and general mass confusion. I mean, this was soooo not going to happen to me. To us.

But it did. And I absolutely am shopping for this book tomorrow. I miss my daughter and while I know that typically this too shall pass, I want to make triple-sure that it does.

Here it is. My chance to display all the patience, understanding, wisdom, humor, insight, strength and, above all else, unconditional love that I spent my teenage years (and possibly longer) insisting that I deserved even more of at times. Here’s my chance.

We so need this book. And your prayers.



Anonymous said...

Prayers always. Hang in there, Oops!

The Secret Life of Kat said...

I just spent a few minutes praying for you. I hope you'll share the wisdom you glean from this season when my time comes around in about 9 years...


marianne said...

I so appreciate it. Thanks so much.

Kat, if I glean any wisdom at all I will gladly share it! And I should add that there are some remarkable snippets and glimpses of the person my teenager is becoming - in between the longer stretches of angst and turmoil. Those moments are joyous let me tell you!

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