Saturday, July 08, 2006

Car Toppers and AeroBeds

Here we go...we're off. Well, not exactly yet. But by tomorrow afternoon if we are lucky.

Yippee...the beach. Can't wait. One whole week of sun, sand and wet grainy towels. Or, sitting inside playing cards and glancing out the windows hoping the rain has stopped. We'll have to wait and see which one our week away from home will look most like.

Much, much, much needed getaway - at least that is what the kids are telling me. Time to take a break from Florida city life.

For fun, check in at my "travel journal" as I'm going to experiment with mobile blogging. Maybe some funny (or pretty pics) and a tiny bit of text.

Otherwise, have a great week!



Anonymous said...

How was the beaches?

marianne said...

Sonflower - The Beach was GREAT!! :-)

Eric - Haha, yes, we have to travel. Not very far but...we take like the whole house with us when we go anywhere! :-)