Tuesday, June 27, 2006


My older brother once told me that living in Florida is like living on top of one gigantic anthill. And, as usual, he is correct. Here are my latest visitors hanging out on my carport column thingy. Looks like they were having some kind of meeting or maybe getting ready to spell out a secret message. Could be they just realized someone made a wrong turn back there in the grass and now they are all stuck on the side of a large white post.

So...life hasn't been too exciting lately. Can you tell?



Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the conversation.

"Darnit, Jack, I told you to ask for directions when we stopped at the water hose!"

"Quiet, Margie! I know exactly where we are."

All three hundred kids: "ARE WE THERE YET?!?!?!"

But that picture is quite artisic. I like it. Besides the fact that it's a picture of ants....

-Eric, who is laughing (in a good way) at your profile pic

marianne said...

Yeah, those ants were looking quite frustrated and so, like, turned around.

Our little friend darted (he is definitely darting right there) into the picture and I thought it was a bad thing. But the picture would be just plain weird without him in it.

Ha - my picture. Haha. Hahahahahaha.
