Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Forget the Smartphone - Give me a Compass

I'm dying to upgrade my cell. I want a Treo so bad that I've gotten stupidly lazy updating my current calendar on Yahoo. Like I said - that is pretty dumb. But in my mind I've already moved on. Just don't actually have it yet.

But some snazzy new cell phones in Japan are making me think smartphones aren't quite as superior as I've been thinking. Sure I'd love to make little man's next appointment while we are still at the orthodontist after answering emails while waiting for him to get a band replaced or whatever they do in that back room - without digging through my purse for a Palm Thing, dropping my phone, spilling out old grocery store receipts and pieces of gum with missing wrappers. But it'd even be cooler to point my phone toward the backroom and have it tell me, "Back Room of Dr. Metalmouth's Office in Florida."

Then on the way home I could point it out the window and it could say, "Chick Fil A where you have fed your kids Chicken Nuggets 8 times too many this week" or maybe it'd say, "Super Saver Grocery Story where you really need to go so turn around right now and go buy your family some healthy food and soft drinks." If I drove by the Y it would say, "YMCA where you let your membership expire and...what were you thinking - can't you hear the stairmaster calling your name?"



Anonymous said...

my calendar is made of paper. i keep it at home so i will never lose it. it doesnt ever say anything to me, but that may be because i have never pointed it at anything.

marianne said...

Don't know that I want a calendar to tell me to go to the Y anyway. Little Jaymes tells me that all the time as it is. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love my Treo. It is a beautiful beautiful thing. Get one!

marianne said...

It's on my list! But you just bumped it closer to the top. :-)