Wednesday, July 11, 2007

40 Day turn

Up until last month I was pretty sure nothing I could do would make a real difference to anyone in Africa. Or in any other impoverished country for that matter. The needs are too numerous and the places too far away. In fact, I distinctly remember a panty-hosed church lady once telling me that my kids were my mission field for now. Forget about the far away places.

I never forgot but, then again, I also never did anything about it. Until last year, when I almost got involved with Blood:Water Mission. Yeah, almost.

I first heard about BWM through an article written by Chris Rice where he explained what BWM was up to and why. 1000 wells in 1000 African villages. Clean water leading to clean blood. Made sense to me. But I was still wondering how anything I could do would be big enough. I kept reading and got to the part where he writes:

“It’s a simple idea. But it is something. Will it change Africa? It will change a small part of Africa for a handful of people. Maybe it will change 1000 small handfuls of Africans. Every small thing is part of a process...I just wonder what I can do. It doesn't have to be big. I remember Somebody saying, 'If you give a cup of cold water in my name, you've done it for me.' He didn't even say 'a well' of cold water. Just a cup. I guess the little things matter to Him. Maybe there is something I can do afterall."

So I could do something. I checked out their website, discovered the Two Weeks of Sacrifice and got totally excited. I could do this, my kids could do this and, even better, the kids at church could do this. I sent an email to Student Ministries right away. They loved the idea, only…they wanted me to head it up.

And I didn’t do it. I can’t explain it...but I didn’t think I could do it. So I didn’t.

Now a year has passed and I have a second chance. They still love the idea and this time I’ve done the Two Weeks, done a little more reading and I’m ready to help get it going in whatever way they ask. And this 40 Day Fast has tons to do with that. Each day I learn more. Each day I move farther away from the me who worried that anything I could do would never be big enough.

So if you've read through BWM's website already and think you've soaked up enough info, take another minute to check out their blog. Here you will find all the stats and facts that I am leaving out here (I think we're familiar now) along with News, Musings and Ground Reports.

The blog is where I read about a group of women in Miami raising money for wells through selling beaded earrings they make as they sit poolside sipping wine. It's also where I read about a 16 year old girl saving 16 lives on her Sweet Sixteen Birthday instead of receiving gifts. People who get that "every small thing is part of a process" and are doing something about it.

Maybe that lady in the pantyhose was partially right afterall. But even if my own kids are my mission field, it still doesn't mean I have to forget about far away places and their people. Quite the contrary...I just have to tie the two together.


The Secret Life of Kat said...

What a great post. Seriously. I love your honesty and way with words.

I totally agree that sometimes I feel that if I can't change the world, why even try, but like TransitionPete said yesterday we're not called to change the world, we're called to worship and follow the Lord...

...and if He calls me to make beaded earrings while sipping wine by the pool, I shouldn't despise that just because it's not as dramatic as moving to Africa to work with orphans.

I don't want to despise small beginnings because if I do, I might never being at all.

Thanks Marianne.

Tressa said...

Wow Marianne!
What a great post and a great cause. I really appreciate your honesty.
Its sad to think of all the missed opportunities. Why do we tend to not move forward at times? (I myself have missed plenty of opportunities.)
But I am proud of you today for stepping up and moving forward with this cause. Im praying for you today as you stand in the gap for this mission.

Tressa said...

ALSO, I was reminded yesterday at our staff meeting at church about Gods calling. And how God has layed out and appointed several giftings, and opportunities to us to individually serve the kingdom. Yes, we will still go to Heaven if we dont fully fullfill Gods calling. Its almost like finishing a race, but not to your full capacity. You could have won second place, but instead you came in 17th. Let us all meet our "potential" and see Gods kingdom FULL!

euphrony said...

I'll be praying for you today, Marianne. Like Kat, I really appreciate your honesty in confessing that you, like me and just about everyone else, can drag your feet at times. Inirtia is a hard thing to overcome to begin moving, and I'll be praying that it is overcome. Once moving, it is harder to stop than keep going.

Anonymous said...

Awww YEAH!

I'm so glad to hear that you're taking the opportunity (again) to play a part in helping and serving others!

steven.russell said...

What a great post.

I will be thinking and praying for you throughout the dsy.

annie said...

Hello, I am not a blogger - just a reader, following the 40 Day Fast because I have a few friends involved. This is one of my favorite posts so far. If only the whole world could hear this message, I think so many more people would be willing to step up and be a part of larger change... Thank you for blessing me today; I will pray for you. Annie

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that great post! It is motivation to all of us that yes, we can make a difference. By working with the students you will be able to motivate them to a cause greater than themselves!

I'll be praying for you!

Sonflower :-) said...

Great post and Good for you! :)

Blood Water Mission is a favorite ministry of mine because because it enables communities.

As another poster said, I'm praying and following the 40 day fast although I'm not posting or fasting. Such an encouragement to do more.

Sonny :D

Chaotic Hammer said...

Great job, Marianne. There have been times when I've found myself in the same situation that you describe -- knowing there was an opportunity to act, but inexplicably doing nothing.

And like you, I've also experienced the sense of finally beginning to move forward, a few small steps at a time.

Thanks for these great words of encouragement. Praying for you today.

marianne said...

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and prayers. It's been a good day.