Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lazy Hazy Summer

Been dying to post something new the last day or two and even thought of about five random subjects, but summer already has become a little lazy for me.

Or maybe I've just adjusted to being a "be at home mom" again...and enjoying it because it's so temporary.

Lots of movies seen already (we've seen 5 of the top 10.) Way early mornings driving my oldest daughter to summer school, just up the hill and around the corner - then crawling back into bed afterwards. And my most recent obsession with finishing the book I blogged about previously (which couldn't have arrived in the mail soon enough.)

I've even discovered some fascinating blogs - one of which I spent maybe an hour reading and then watching a series of video clips entitled "I Can't Open It" from the blog of 81 year old Millie Garfield, one of the Internet's Oldest Bloggers. It's awesome. So warm and inspiring. I can't wait to go back and read more.

Aside from those things and now getting my son (the middle kid who can't wait to leave for camp again and whom I worry may miss the bus home on purpose...sisters...) ready for another week of camp, crud wars and whitewater rafting, I'm still here. And floating between what my summer was supposed to look like (major household organizing and goal setting and goal implementation beginning) and what my summer is falling into place as being (movies, random cleaning, trampoline games and remembering what it was like to spend snippets of time alone with each of my kids.)

I'm really lovin' this summer...but will try to cut down on trampoline play every now and then to post something new and, ummm, exciting.



Sonflower :-) said...

I LOVE the Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer...a little lemonade in the shade and you've got it made!

Enjoy! :-)

marianne said...

Lemonade is always good. :-) Also, you think it is possible to feel lazy and relaxed but still be running here and there, just in a more chill kind of manner? If so, that'd be me this summer. And it was about time for that.